Thursday, December 10, 2009


While giving classes over the years I have encountered a great number of students who are not familiar with Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) I explain that it's the practice of maintaining separate routing policies for different subnets / interfaces on the same piece of hardware. Well, the guys at Plixer did a great explanation that I wanted to reference that goes into more depth if you care :)

VRF article

Also The Plixer guys maintain a blog with new articles every few days dealing with network analysis.

Netflow rap, from the scrutinizer guys, you know scrutinizer rocks right?

So I love geeky youtube videos to begin with, but add Cisco to it an one of my new favorite toys (Scrutinizer) and you have geek utopia :) The lyrics are great but it's super-fast.

Check it out here

Monday, December 7, 2009

Looking for a big dict?

So it took me longer than it should have to lookup a massive dictionary file for running some WPA attacks. Some how I misplaced the one I was using when I cleaned up my massive collection of hacking files. Anyhow over at ARGON they have two that seem respectable.

Check here

Aircrack is multithreaded by the way, gets all 8CPUs going nicely

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Identity 2.0

What is IDENTITY and how is it changing with the world around us? You're and some other user @ ebay, and something else at Amazon, and facebook.. can't it all by tied together? Is that where things are headed? This is one of the best explanations of how our identities have evolved with the cyberworld and where things are headed

Check out this presentation, it's definitely worthwhile.

Shodan search engine

This is an absolutely phenominal search engine, where you can query for banners of various types of devices. For instance, say you wanted to know which routers on the internet had the HTTP service enabled, one quick query will tell you. A new vulnerability for your favorite mail platform? Again, its' all archived. Check out shodan today!

Here is an example query

144,000+ IOS routers with the web server enabled!

How about IIS 4.0 that we use in reference attacks?

7500 and counting!